Double Your Speed With The Latest TM UniFi Promo

tm unifi promo

Hate slow Internet connection? You are not alone.

If you were excited when Prime Minister Datuk Seri Najib Razak promised the doubling of our broadband speed in his Budget 2017 speech, and also with Telekom’s sneak peek of their Broadband Improvement Plan for 2017 back in October this year, you don’t have to wait any longer.

TM has finally announced their latest promotion where subscribers will enjoy cheaper subscription fee, coupled with a faster download speed.

unifi upgrade

Source: TM

The promotion runs between December 1 and 31, 2016, and it does not just benefit new subscribers, but selected existing subscribers as well.

Discounts galore

If you are shopping for a new broadband plan for your home, this promotion comes at the right time. New subscriptions during the promotion period will get to enjoy both the discount and the speed upgrades.

The UniFi Advance 30 and Advance 50 plans will be offered at a discounted price, at RM179 a month for Advance 30 and RM229 a month for the Advance 50 plan.

The RM20 discount from RM199 and RM249 respectively, will be maintained throughout the duration of the contract – a minimum of 24 months.

Original price
Promo price*
UniFi Advance 30
UniFi Advance 50
TM Streamyx Blockbuster 2 Mbps
TM Streamyx Blockbuster 4 Mbps
TM Streamyx Blockbuster 8 Mbps
* Promotion valid until December 31, 2016.


There will be no discount for the UniFi Pro 100 plan, which costs RM348.78 a month, inclusive of the goods and services tax (GST).

Speed bump ahead

New and existing UniFi subscribers will be able to enjoy a speed upgrade, and it doesn’t just apply to the existing Advance plans.

More than 500,000 UniFi customers will get to enjoy upgrade up to 100Mbps. These upgrades will be prompted via SMS, email, telephone and/or mail, and will be done only upon customers’ consent.

For existing customers, the speed upgrade for these plans will be automatic:

Existing plan
Subscription fee
will be maintained
Upgraded plan
UniFi VIP 10
UniFi Advance 30
UniFi VIP 20
UniFi Advance 50
UniFi Advance 30
UniFi Advance 50
UniFi Advance 50
UniFi Pro 100


For the following plans, subscribers will need to apply with TM to initiate the upgrades :

Existing plan
Subscription fee
will be maintained
Upgraded speed
UniFi VIP 5
TM Streamyx 384kbps/512kbps
TM Streamyx Blockbuster 1Mbps
TM Streamyx Blockbuster 2Mbps
TM Streamyx Blockbuster 4Mbps
TM Streamyx Blockbuster 8Mbps

The speed upgrade is only applicable to download speed, which is sufficient for most Internet users who download more than upload. Unlike Maxis and TIME, UniFi still offers lopsided download and upload speed. For the Advance 30 plan, the upload speed is 10Mbps, while the UniFi Advance Plus 50 plan has an upload speed of 20Mbps.

However, there is a chance that you may not enjoy the upgrade as it is subject to the Technical and Service availability. For new subscribers, it pays to check with TM sales representative to confirm the availability before subscribing. This will also be done in stages starting from April 1, 2017, hence you may be getting the upgrade later in the year.

Who should subscribe or switch?

Unfortunately, the discounted subscription fees are only applicable for new subscribers. However, existing customers still get to enjoy the upgraded speed by batches, and if they are within the areas.

If you are currently looking for a broadband plan, the promotion is really a game changer. This promotion makes UniFi the best broadband plans — with wide coverage, high speed and low price.

The current UniFi Advance 30 plan is priced the same as the Maxis ONE Home 30 Lite, but with the speed upgraded to 50Mbps instead of 30Mbps. If you are looking at 50Mbps equivalent, you will be paying RM40 extra every month for Maxis ONE Home 50. That’s RM480 a year!

However, if you are an existing Maxis subscribers, it’s important to note that UniFi’s plans offer different speed for upload and download. For new Maxis subscribers (sign-up from December onwards) will be getting lower upload speed similar to UniFi.

Those who have fulfilled their existing contract can terminate their current broadband services and subscribe to any of the new plans from UniFi. You will not only enjoy savings, but also get brand new devices including a modem, a Wi-Fi router, a dect phone and a set-top box. All these devices will come with a 2-year warranty.

However, if you are currently still serving your contract, it will make sense to stick to it, instead of terminating pre-maturely because most Internet service providers charge a RM500 termination fee. This will not only negate your RM480 savings, you are also paying RM20 more.

Need some help making the decision? Read our review of UniFi Fibre Broadband plan before subscribing.

Got your mind made up? Head over to our TM broadband page to sign up and let us do the work for you.


Image from Mid Valley.


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