Studies Shows A Surge Of Cancer Cases Globally For Those Under 50

Studies Shows A Surge Of Cancer Cases Globally For Those Under 50

A study published in BMJ Oncology showed that the number of under-50s worldwide being diagnosed with cancer has risen by almost 80% over the past three decades.

The study, which was the largest of its kind, highlighted that the global cases of early-onset cancer increased from 1.82 million in 1990 to 3.26 million in 2019. The same study also showed that cancer deaths of adults in their 40s, 30s, or younger grew by 27%.

However, it’s important to note that the research did not take into account a 40% rise in total population, as well as other factors such as better reporting.

Experts are still in the early stages of understanding the causes behind the rise in cases. The authors of the study say poor diets, alcohol and tobacco use, physical inactivity and obesity are likely to be contributing factors, in addition to genetics.

Of the 29 types of cancer that were studied, breast cancer accounted for the most in early-onset cases, 16.5%, and early-onset deaths, 12.84%, back in 2019. Both prostate cancer and nasopharyngeal cancer had the fastest increase in incident rates of any type of cancer within the 30-year period study.

The rise of cancer cases has led to a discussion on the need for early screenings, a healthier lifestyle, and medical insurance that will provide better protection when you’re diagnosed with cancer.

Read more: Should You Renew Your Medical Insurance Policy?

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