Time Introduces Malaysia’s First Gigabit Broadband

Time Introduces Malaysia’s First Gigabit Broadband

Time dotCom has introduced the first 1Gbps broadband connection in Malaysia over the weekend. This milestone was accompanied by a new budget minded fibre plan that provides a 100Mbps for only RM99.

The announcement of the new plans coincides with the government’s Mandatory Standard on Access Pricing Directive (MSAP). Which required all Malaysian broadband providers to reduce prices and increase connection speeds.

Overall, Time introduced three new plans over the weekend. 100Mbps for RM99 a month, 500Mbps for RM149, and 1Gbps for RM199.

Additionally, existing Time Fibre customer will be upgraded to the new plans for no extra charge. Those on 1ooMbps connections will be boosted to 500Mbps; while 300Mbps and 500Mbps customers will be automatically bumped to the 1Gbps plan.

Monthly subscription charges will also be adjusted accordingly. Which is an added bonus for those currently on the 500Mbps plan.

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