Temporary Reduction On Federal Road Speed Limits

Temporary Reduction On Federal Road Speed Limits

The Works Ministry (KKR) has recently announced a temporary reduction on speed limits on all federal roads nationwide from 90km/h to 80km/h. This Temporary reduction will take place starting 8 February 2024 and will run until 13 February 2024, in conjunction with the Lunar New Year celebrations.

The speed limit reduction is among some of the safety precautions that the government is taking to ensure smooth and safe travel during the festive season and hopefully reduces the risk of road accidents as many are taking to the roads to return to their hometowns.

According to a statement released by the KKR, the ministry will also carry out Integrated Operations and Road Safety Campaigns in conjunction with the festive celebrations.

The ministry also mentioned that non-critical road construction and maintenance works will be suspended to avoid disrupting traffic flow during the period. The only exception is for emergency works.

“This is in line with the spirit and aspiration of the MyJalan Programme launched by the ministry for all parties to jointly ensure safety and driving comfort, especially on federal roads,” said the statement.

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