Proton Ends 2023 With Five Consecutive Years Of Growth

Proton Ends 2023 With Five Consecutive Years Of Growth

Proton, has managed to achieve five years of consecutive growth as of the end of 2023. This exceptional performance is the result of total sales (domestic and export) of 154,611 units in 2023, the company’s strongest performance since 2012.

According to a statement released by Proton, this also marks a 9.3% increase over the 141,432 units sold in 2022. In December alone, the company had managed to sell up to 12,711 units.

The company also calculated its market share to be around 19.4% on the back of a second record-setting year for total industry volume of an estimated 794,948 units. This is about 10.3% more than the previous year. As a result, Proton ended the year while ranking second in overall sales; which also means that the company has maintained its position in the standings for the fifth year in a row.

“2023 was another record-setting year for the automotive industry as total sales surged by 10.3% over the previous volume high set just twelve months earlier. Factors such as the fulfilment of orders for tax free cars up till the end of March no doubt fuelled the volume increase in the first quarter of the year, but it was also an active year for car launches with minimal disruptions caused by parts shortages,” said Proton’s CEO, Dr Li Chunrong.

“Proton is truly thankful for the warm reception of Malaysians towards our products. This success is a testament to our commitment to delivering more than just affordable vehicles as we also emphasise stylish design, advanced technology, and a strong commitment to safety in all Proton models. Looking ahead to 2024, we are confident that we will sustain this momentum, supported by the introduction of our new model, the S70,” he added.

Aside from its new product offerings, Proton is also laser focused on improving its customer brand experience at showrooms and after service sales centres. This is so that they may draw in new potential customers as well as build up loyalty and improve retention among existing Proton owners.

Roslan Abdullah, the CEO of Proton Edar and Deputy CEO of Proton also reflected on the company’s efforts and achievements in 2023. She mentions that the company is wholly committed to delivering quality vehicles and offering customers excellent services that will surpass their expectations.

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