U Mobile Customers Now Benefit From The Fastest Speeds

U Mobile Customers Now Benefit From The Fastest Speeds

Opensignal, the independent global standard for analysing consumer mobile experience, recently released their latest Mobile Network Experience Report. The report offers some interesting information on what consumers truly gain from their wireless networks.

According to the report, U Mobile users in Malaysia are now enjoying the fastest mobile network speeds on average. For download speeds, U Mobile wins with a score of 39.4Mbps. This translates to a mind-boggling increase of 21.2Mbps (115.7%) since the last report, where it placed last.

U Mobile is also throwing heavy punches in the upload speed category, with its score of 9.9Mbps. This is a smaller but still impressive boost in score of 2Mbps (25.8%) between reports.

The report also mentioned that Unifi is the big winner when it comes to consistency of service. Unifi delivered a score of 67.2%, a few percentage points higher than Digi in second place. Maxis, U Mobile, Yes and Celcom finished third, fourth, fifth and last place, respectively.

According to the report, consistent quality is measured by how sufficient the network is in supporting common mobile application requirements. This is measured at a level that is ‘good enough’ for users to maintain (or complete) various typical demanding tasks on their devices.

In terms of 5G adoption and availability, U Mobile is the winner once more with a score of 31.9%. This means that U Mobile users with a 5G device spend almost a third of their time with an active 5G connection. Yes, the 5G winner of the previous report now shares second place with Unifi.

In other news, the mobile network landscape has changed rapidly since the last Opensignal report. The Government of Malaysia has announced that it will allow a second 5G network in the country — with a plan to introduce one from January 2024, contingent on DNB reaching 80% population coverage.

The original plan for a single network deployment was met with some concern from the industry, especially with regards to fears about monopolies and pricing. As such, the proposal for a second network has been received positively by Malaysian operators.

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