National Digital ID For All Malaysians Very Soon, Says Gobind Singh Deo

gobind singh deo

Communications and Multimedia Minister Gobind Singh Deo has said that all Malaysians may soon have a national digital ID.

According to the minister, this move is to develop a platform of trust in cyberspace.

This project will be a collaborative effort between his ministry, the Malaysian Communi­cations and Multimedia Commission (MCMC) and the Malaysia Digital Economy Corporation (MDEC).

“A plan for a national digital ID is being formulated. This digital ID is not meant to replace the MyKad nor would it be mandatory for everyone. It’s to provide a verifiable platform of trust,” he was quoted as saying.

“Let me give you an example. When one applies for membership in a certain organisation, more often than not, the organisation would request for a photocopy image of your MyKad. That is not an example of trust nor is it ‘verifiable’,”

“In comparison, this is what a national digital ID can offer: You could apply to be a member of that organisation by registering your application using the national digital ID. This would be a trusted and verifiable platform,” he added.

Gobind also said that the digital ID is necessary as the world is being dominated by e-commerce – especially in trying to combat frauds and scams.

“If we look at the complaints on e-commerce and mobile phone scams, there is ample possibility of fraud and cheating. We can verify the national digital ID to ensure that it reduces the scope for such crimes,” he explained.

Aside from that, the national digital ID can also provide other benefits to Malaysians.

“A national digital ID will be an integral and crucial platform for the digital government initiative. The government or its agencies can deliver targeted subsidies efficiently via an e-Wallet account that has been registered using the national digital ID,” he added.


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