Revealed! How Much The Lowest Paying Job Should Actually Be Paid


Would you take up a job that has no annual, sick or emergency leave, no pay, and basically no breaks? Most will answer with a resounding no! Just like the Mother’s Day video that has gone viral on social media by American Greetings, the job description of a mother versus the compensation and benefits sound wildly imbalanced on paper.

So, if it was a paying job, how much should mums get paid? We’ll try to put monetary value to the lowest paying job in the world, a.k.a. mother (though it’s impossible to be accurate), to at least gauge the value of the job. Unconditional love aside, here is how much a full-time mother should get:

mother infog

Mothers. We literally wouldn’t be here without them. Whether they are stay-at-home or working mothers, we can never ever put a price on all that they do. The above illustrates that everything they do is unconditional and iMoney wants to take this opportunity to thank all the mothers out there and Happy Mother’s Day!

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