Income Tax e-Filing Starts Today!

Income Tax e-Filing Starts Today!

It is that time of year again. Tax season is upon us once more. As of today (1 March 2024). Individual and non-individual taxpayers can submit their Tax Return Form for the Year of Assessment 2023 through e-Filing starting today, according to the Inland Revenue Board (LHDN).

Taxpayers can access the e-Filing service through the MyTax portal at or through the HASiL official portal at It is highly advised that you only access the e-filing service via these websites.

Tax agents are encouraged to use the Tax Agent e-filing System (TAeF) service at to make submissions.

A statement released by the LHDN also said that taxpayers accessing MyTax for the first time should activate their Individual Digital Certificate by generating it through the MyTax Portal > Select Identification Type > Identification Number > Submit and select e-KYC (smartphone) or e-CP55D (computer/laptop/smartphone).

If you need more information on the e-Filing programme for Year of Assessment 2024, you can get it at the LHDN official portal. These can be found at: (Malay version) 

and (English version).

Not sure how to get your personal income tax done or unsure of what exemptions you qualify for? You can check out our comprehensive income tax guide!

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