Hong Leong Asset Management Declares Income Distributions Of RM292 Million

Hong Leong Asset Management Declares Income Distributions Of RM292 Million

Hong Leong Asset Management Bhd (Hong Leong AM) has declared income distributions amounting to RM292 million for the period of January 1, 2021 to July 31, 2021.

“By staying committed to a rigorous approach on our investment philosophy and strategy, we aim to deliver a consistent and sustainable distribution yield to our investors amid the ongoing uncertainty in the market,” said Hoo See Kheng, it’s chief executive officer.

Hong Leong AM is optimistic about a market recovery in the fourth quarter of the year, and is anticipating an improvement of corporate earnings with the reopening of the economy, following encouraging vaccination rates in the country.

The firm also believes that its bottom-up stock picking strategy will be able to achieve its funds’ respective objectives, capital growth and distribution yield.

Here are the distribution yields for the 12-month period between August 2020 and July 2021 for some of Hong Leong AM’s funds:

Fund NameConventional
Distribution Yield
1 Aug 2020 to
31 July 2021;
Retail Fund
Hong Leong Value FundConventional8.54
Hong Leong Asia-Pacific Dividend FundConventional7.36
Hong Leong Growth FundConventional7.76
Hong Leong Hong Kong Equity Optimizer FundConventional8.30
Hong Leong Dividend FundConventional7.66
Hong Leong Consumer Products Sector FundConventional9.70
Hong Leong Balanced FundConventional6.69
Hong Leong Dana MakmurIslamic7.94
Hong Leong Dana Maa'rofIslamic6.78
Wholesale Fund
Hong Leong Global Multi Strategies Fund**Conventional3.65
*Source: Lipper, as at 31 July 2021
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