Cabinet Agrees ‘In Principle’ To Implement Go-Jek In Malaysia

Cabinet Agrees ‘In Principle’ To Implement Go-Jek In Malaysia

The wait has ended, the verdict is here. Go-Jek, an Indonesian motorbike ride-hailing company gets the thumbs up from the Malaysian Cabinet today to look into how bike-hailing services can be implemented legally.

Minister of Entrepreneur Development Datuk Seri Mohd Redzuan Yusof said, “The Youth and Sports Ministry and the Transport Ministry have been asked to work together and discuss what laws need to be amended or created to enable this service to be implemented in the country”.

However, the two ministries still need to outline mechanisms of the implementation of Go-Jek in Malaysia and is subject to the Cabinet’s approval again.

The Go-Jek venture into Malaysian market is expected to develop  economic opportunities for youth through job opportunities and hence, need to be subject to legal guidelines.

[Source 1,2]

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