Airo Digital Investment Platform Officially Launches In Malaysia

Airo Digital Investment Platform Officially Launches In Malaysia

Airo, Malaysia’s first actively managed digital investment platform, has officially launched. 

Considering that many Malaysians aged 18 to 40 years old admit to being in debt, Airo seeks to offer them a pathway to fiscal security.  This online journey can be started through investments with access to the relevant financial know-how and resources.

A 2022 survey by the Security Commissions Malaysia reveals that only 38 percent of survey respondents were considered to have high financial literacy.  Only 35 percent of the respondents were shown to have capital market knowledge. This is a rather painful reality check in a world where successful investing is considered crucial to achieving financial freedom.

Investments starting from RM50

Airo seeks to address these issues by helping Malaysians from all walks of life to achieve their investment goals. This is done through the use of personalised investment strategies according to individual profiles. The platform’s unique algorithm-driven investment engine will seek out and track investment opportunities which match with users’ unique requirements and preferences.

The platform’s automated investment services also have a starting point of only RM50. This will go a long way to  remove the massive cost barrier for first-time investors. The lower entry point will enable those beginning their investment journey to take their first steps .

Airo investment platform

Active investment strategy

Some other features of AIro include a modified robust risk measurement system. This means providing a round-the-clock risk management capabilities, as well as robust security measures  including separate custodian accounts with Pacific Trustees, with secure AWS servers, 2FA authentication, and biometric-enabled access guaranteeing the highest level of cybersecurity for investors.

“At CP Global Fintech Solutions, we are committed to delivering long-term solutions to help our fellow Malaysians from all walks of life achieve their wealth goals. To do so, we use a systematic global macro system to harness the flexibility and opportunities that stem from an active investment strategy — all the better to meet the needs of our users directly,” shares William Yii, Chief Investment Officer, CP Global Fintech Solutions. 

Airo is licensed by the Securities Commission of Malaysia to conduct digital investment management.

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