SOCSO Aims To Make Immediate Payouts To Affected Families


Social Security Organisation (SOCSO) are currently taking proactive measures in ensuring families receive financial benefit within a short time period after the death of a contributor.

SOCSO wants to ensure that family members of the deceased did not have to wait too long to get the income replacement entitled to them.

There have been cases where family members report a death only 10 to 15 years later.

SOCSO can backdate the payment to the date of death but cannot replace the lost years as some children had to give up studies or could not continue their education after the death of the sole breadwinner.

The measures to be taken by SOCSO includes going through newspapers to seek out reported cases of road accident fatalities.

Once they come across such news, they will proceed to contact the authorities for details and forward it to their relevant branches.

In fact, a special team had been formed to go through all newspapers daily to compile reported cases of death.



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