Travel Ban Lifted For Blacklisted PTPTN Borrowers

travel ban PTPTN borrowers

The travel ban imposed on all 429,945 National Higher Education Fund Corporation (PTPTN) loan defaulters has been lifted.

The exercise to remove the travel ban from these borrowers was completed on June 8, as week earlier than scheduled.

PTPTN chairman Wan Saiful Wan Jan said some 1.8 million PTPTN defaulters were now allowed to travel overseas and renew their passports without any restrictions.

He said this was also in line with the government’s 100-day manifesto. However, borrowers must still service their education loans.

The exercise was carried out in stages from May 24, while the practice of listing all PTPTN borrowers in the Central Credit Reference Information System (CCRIS) is still ongoing.

Thus, borrowers will not be blacklisted but their repayment records will still be reflected in the system.

“If borrowers have a bad credit record, they will face difficulties in applying for personal loans, hou­sing loans and car loans, as financial institutions look at a person’s credit history before approving loans.”


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