Here’s How You Can Use Your EPF Savings To Sign Up For Insurance/Takaful Protection

Here’s How You Can Use Your EPF Savings To Sign Up For Insurance/Takaful Protection

As Malaysians, we should consider ourselves lucky due to the fact that our government provides us with universal healthcare coverage, which means that we can get access to affordable medical treatment when we need it.

However, medical treatment is only one part of the equation. For example, let’s say someone who is uninsured, contracts a critical illness that robs them of their ability to work or worse, death and disability occurs during the process. If something unfortunate like this happens, how would their loved ones cope with their living expenses?

In 2020, it is reported by LIAM that less than half of Malaysians have life insurance. This is a very worrying picture, as this shows just how unprepared Malaysians are if something unfortunate happens. 

But insurance/takaful coverage payments may be the last thing on someone’s mind, especially if they’re struggling to make ends meet.

Which is why the i-Lindung scheme by the Employee’s Provident Fund (EPF), that allows members to withdraw from their EPF Account to sign up for insurance/ takaful protection can help you get the insurance/takaful protection you need.

What is EPF’s i-Lindung?

In the i-Lindung initiative, EPF has partnered with insurance and takaful operators to make insurance/takaful protection more accessible and affordable for Malaysians.

Under this initiative, EPF members will have the opportunity to sign up for insurance/ takaful protection by using their EPF savings. The insurance premium/takaful contribution will be automatically deducted from your EPF Account, so it closes your protection gap, in case something unfortunate happens to you.

Did You Know?

Prudential Malaysia is one of the insurance and takaful operators under EPF’s i-Lindung scheme, offering life and critical illness coverage.

Here’s what Prudential’s plans under the i-Lindung initiative offer:

  • Affordability. Prudential’s plans under EPF’s i-Lindung offers up to RM100,000 protection with an affordable premium/contribution, which will be deducted straight from your EPF Account. You can find the best coverage according to your needs and budget, and the premium/contribution can be as low as RM8.40/year* (*terms & conditions apply).
  • Accessibility. With the i-Lindung scheme, getting your life and critical illness coverage is simple, as all you have to do is log in to your EPF i-Akaun and sign-up for your preferred plan, without the need for a medical check-up!

As Prudential customers, you can also download the Pulse by Prudential mobile app to access your insurance/takaful details conveniently online. This health and wellness app offers health management tips and services designed to help you prevent, postpone, and protect against diseases, while also considering your financial resources to help you make better, informed decisions. 

How do I sign up for Prudential Malaysia’s plans under EPF’s i-Lindung?

Here’s a step-by-step guide to sign up for Prudential Malaysia’s protection plans via EPF’s i-Akaun:

You can choose from four affordable plans from Prudential Malaysia under i-Lindung initiative :

  • PRUGuard Life/ PruBSN Lindung is a life protection plan that provides financial relief upon Death or Total and Permanent Disability from just RM10.40* for a one-year coverage.
  • PRUCare Life/PruBSN Cegah is a critical Iillness protection plan that provides coverage upon diagnosis of any of the 43 Critical Illnesses and Dengue Fever from as low as RM8.40* for a one-year coverage.

*Subject to terms and conditions

Get affordable insurance/takaful coverage now

EPF’s i-Lindung initiative ensures that Malaysians have the chance to get affordable protection. For more information, visit here.

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