No Toll Rate Increase In 2014


PayTolls.jpg.728x520_q85Remember the various news reports that quoted Works Minister Datuk Fadillah Yusof as saying that toll rates would be increased by 50 sen to RM2? Well, good news for Malaysian road users, as it has been officially announced that there will be no toll rate increase this year.

According to Deputy Prime Minister Tan Sri Muhyiddin Yassin, the decision to put off the hike is said to be among the initiatives by the government to help the public cope with the rising cost of living. However, there was no mention if the toll rates will be increased in the future.

This decision – while no doubt will be well-received by the public – will however, drain the government’s coffers as the Deputy Prime Minister was also quoted as saying that the government will pay RM400 million in compensation to toll concessionaires.

Furthermore, the Works Ministry has been asked to look into concessionaire agreements to determine if it could negotiate for an extension in concession periods indicating that road users will still have to pay for a foreseeable future.

Tan Sri Muhyiddin Yassin was quoted as saying “this is a long-term initiative to ensure that the rates would not be increased”.

Here is a timeline recap of the toll rate hike announcement and the highways affected:


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