If You Are Looking For Extra Income, Consider Signing Up As A Partner Driver In E-hailing

Maxim Malaysia has announced that anyone who has any interest in joining them as a partner-driver for their e-hailing service is free to apply. The company seeks to give the unemployed, fresh graduates, part-timers or for anyone who is looking for additional income a chance to earn more.
Partner-drivers are being offered flexible working hours, as they can turn their apps on at any time that is preferable to them to take orders. Drivers can even turn their app on before work and pick up customers who are heading in the same direction, killing two birds with one stone like a pseudo carpool situation.
Maxim E-hailing believes in creating equal opportunities for everyone. There are several incentives for the partner-drivers including low commission, special monthly deals for car branding and more.
With the economy not being in the best shape at the moment, Maxim E-hailing wishes to provide people with more chances to secure a financial advantage and greater stability.
Potential partner-drivers who want to register and cooperate with Maxim E-hailing can download the Taxsee Driver application or register through website sea.taxsee.pro/my.