An Introduction To Investing From The Securities Commission Malaysia

An Introduction To Investing From The Securities Commission Malaysia

This infographic/article is brought to you by the Securities Commission Malaysia.

Investing is not just something that rich people do to make more money. It’s a financial path that can help anyone expand their income streams. You don’t have to aim to live like Richard Branson to start investing, think of it as extra income to help you save for your dream vacation or home.

Before you get started, it would be beneficial to first sort out your finances. This will help you figure out where you stand and how much you can afford to put into investments.

Smart investors are careful people. They know that there is no such thing as a guaranteed return, and every move is a calculated risk. Muddying the waters are the occasional scam artist and conman looking to prey on greedy individuals who have not done their due diligence.

However, the Securities Commission of Malaysia has provided the following best practices for new investors.

There might be times when you are faced with an investment opportunity that sounds too good to be true. In that case, you might want to follow these five steps to determine your next course of action.

Learn about investment opportunities and options in the Malaysian capital market, and how you can invest for your future, by attending InvestSmart® Fest 2019 at Mid Valley Exhibition Centre, Kuala Lumpur from 18-20 October 2019.

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