Insurance Companies Now Cover Zika

zika virus

With local Zika cases on the rise, a few major insurance companies are now offering protection in their plans for Zika patients.

These insurance companies are Great Eastern Life Assurance Bhd, Prudential Assurance Malaysia Bhd and AIA Bhd, who assured policyholders that they would be covered for Zika based on the conditions in their contracts.

Great Eastern

All medical plans under Great Eastern will cover Zika hospitalisation expenses, subject to the claim limits of each plan.

“If death occurs due to Zika virus, death benefit will be payable as long as it fulfils the definition in the policy contract,” the insurer told The Star.

This coverage extends to pregnant women who test positive for the Zika virus as well.

“We do not exclude Zika virus claims for pregnant women in our medical plans,” it said.

Though hospitalisation expenses is covered for those who tested positive, these companies do not cover microcephaly in babies as it is a congenital condition.


Policyholders for medical plans such as PRUvalue med or life insurance plans, which comes with death and Total Permanent Disability (TPD) benefits (such as PRUlink one and PRUmy child), underwritten by Prudential would be covered for Zika.

“We cover hospitalisation and surgical expenses arising from the Zika virus.

“The amount which customers can claim will depend on the limits or benefits specified in their policy contract.

“For example, for hospitalisation, your medical plan will reimburse you for the actual cost of medical care or hospitalisation incurred, up to the amount allowed in the plan,” said Prudential’s chief marketing officer Khoo Ai Lin.

Although communicable diseases are typically excluded, Prudential said it would still cover policyholders should Zika be declared a communicable disease that requires quarantine.

The same applies to pregnant women who contracted Zika, their hospitalisation and surgical expenses subject to the requirements and conditions in the policy contract.

For policyholders who purchased a policy from Prudential for their child prior to birth (PRUmy child plan), the child will be covered based on what is provided under the policy.

Babies born with mild cases of microcephaly may still be able to take up an insurance plan with their applications being assessed on a case-by-case basis, said Prudential.

AIA & AIA Public Takaful

Policyholders under the A-Plus MedBooster & A-Plus MedBooster-i plans will only cover treatment for Zika on an outpatient basis.

The coverage amount depends on the benefit limit they have signed up for.

Under the AIA medical plan, any treatment received when they are hospitalised for Zika will be covered, within the plan’s annual limit.

“We also have certain personal accident plans that provide financial coverage if our customer incurs medical costs or passes away due to the Zika virus,” said AIA chief marketing officer Thomas Wong.

Life insurance policy or takaful certificate also covers family members of policyholders with a lump sum payment.

“All AIA medical plans cover any customer, including pregnant women, who is hospitalised due to the Zika virus,” said Wong.

However, AIA does not have a plan that covers pregnancy risks and complications that may arise as a result of Zika.

All three insurance companies have confirmed they have not received any claims arising from the Zika virus.


Image from National Geographic

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