Critical Illness Can Strike When We Least Expect It

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In partnership withPruBSN Takaful Sakinah

50.1% of Malaysians today are either overweight or obese, based on the National Health and Morbidity Survey (NHMS) in 2019. This means that out of every two Malaysians, one is more likely to suffer from serious and critical illnesses such as a heart attack or even cancer, as obesity increases the risk of health problems.

This means there is a high chance that you might end up with a major financial burden due to unexpected medical costs in treating these health issues.

All Malaysians are now at risk

You might think that only the elderly will suffer from critical illnesses but that’s not the case as there is a rising concern that 1 out of 3 millennials over the age of 35 are more likely to suffer from heart disease.

With both the young and older generations at higher risk from critical illnesses, it might be wise to do all we can to remain healthy.

Simple Tips That Can Go A Long Way To Reduce Health Risks
  1. Moderation is key for healthy eating – The Malaysian Healthy Plate is a great guideline which advocates healthy portioning with a quarter plate of carbohydrates, quarter plate of proteins, and half plate of fruits/vegetables.
  2. Keep track of your carb intake – While whole carbs are necessary for energy, limit simple carbs that are heavy with sugar such as sweet drinks and food that use processed sugar or condensed milk.
  3. Get active as much as you can – This does not mean you have to immediately head to the gym or spend hours on the treadmill. Allocating at least 30 minutes of physical activities per day is recommended.
  4. Mental health is equally important – Mental health issues caused by stress are often overlooked. While you can’t eliminate stress entirely, you can manage it by doing activities that relaxes you such as meditation or even just listening to music.

But the problem is that critical illnesses often happens when we least expect it.

Planning your protection early is important for you and your family

While being healthy and following healthy habits reduces the risk, it does not help you overcome the challenges of life when you fall sick from a critical illness.

Medical costs are often the main concern when treating critical illnesses as it can get very costly, very quickly. For example, cancer treatments could reach over RM100,000 for stage IV cancers, heart disease treatments such as an angioplasty and stent replacement could cost as much as RM45,000, and the cost of a major stroke treatment can range anywhere between RM35,000 to RM75,000.

In addition to the cost of treatment, there are also other indirect or hidden costs like:

  • temporary or permanent loss of income due to the illness
  • difficulty with paying pre-existing living expenses on top of treatment costs
  • post-treatment/lifestyle costs such as nursing, therapy, diet changes, etc.
  • stress or emotional trauma for you and family

All these costs and factors can put you in a financially difficult situation when you unexpectedly suffer a critical illness. Whether you are in your thirties and not financially stable enough to afford it or retired and no longer earning an income, critical illness can leave a big hole in your finances.

Therefore, signing up for a Critical Illness plan as early as you can, will make sure that you have financial security from unexpected costs while also giving you and your family peace of mind.

A ray of hope for your needs with PruBSN Sinar

Critical Illness plans that cover all the bases are hard to find, but not impossible. PruBSN Sinar offers coverage in a customisable solution that can cater to your protection needs with the various additional benefits that you attached, so that you and family don’t have to worry about financial and emotional stress due to unexpected challenges in life.

This plan’s unique value-added benefits include:

  • Lump sum payment in the event of a death or permanent disablement
  • Comprehensive critical illness coverage from early stage to late stage of illness as well as additional special conditions
  • No lifetime limit for medical coverage in case of hospitalisation, surgery or outpatient treatment
  • Lump sum payment in the event of a death or permanent disablement
  • And many more…
PruBSN Sinar covers you from juvenile through early adulthood into late adulthood with a comprehensive critical illness plan that fits your needs!
What’s new about PruBSN Sinar?

PruBSN Sinar is also a regular contribution takaful plan that gives a lump sum benefit upon death and Total and Permanent Disability, using the PruBSN AnugerahPlus as the base plan. This plan comes with recommended optional add-on benefits to suit your needs in different life stages.

Crisis TotalCare
This new rider gives you comprehensive critical illness coverage from early to late-stage illnesses, plus coverage for other additional special conditions:

  • A total of 166 conditions covered – 101 early critical illness conditions, 53 late-stage critical illness conditions and 12 special conditions
  • Mental health coverage – lump sum benefit for covered mental conditions, for both adults and children
  • Diabetic and joint related conditions coverage – lump sum benefit for severe diabetic complication or joint related conditions
  • Complementary treatment benefit – reimburses traditional and complementary treatments upon diagnosis of critical illness.
  • Compassionate benefit upon death of spouse or child – lump sum payment of up to RM5,000

Medic Protector
Medical coverage with no lifetime limit for hospitalisation, surgery or selected outpatient treatment.

Accidental Protector Plus
Lump sum benefits up to RM4 million per life upon death or Total and Permanent Disability, as well as disablement due to accident.

Accidental Medical Protector
Reimbursement for medical expenses, hospital confinement or nursing services due to an accident.

Contributor Protect
Will assist you to pay your contributions in the event of death (if applicable), Total and Permanent Disability or critical illness of yourself or your covered family members.

If you are ready to protect yourself, and your loved ones, from the struggles that come with serious diseases, sign up for PruBSN Sinar here or contact your PruBSN agents.

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