No Significant Price Changes With SST, Says Grab

No Significant Price Changes With SST, Says Grab

Grab Malaysia does not expect a significant impact on their pricing following the re-introduction of the Sales and Services Tax (SST) on Sept 1, 2018.

Its Country Head Sean Goh said although they do not have the details yet, the company was not expecting much change in the prices.

He said they were monitoring the situation and will balance the tax impact for both passengers and its drivers.

“Currently, we do not expect pricing to really change. What we are trying to do is try to displace as much of the cost in the system as possible,” he said.

They are also looking for ways to help drivers gain additional income without raising their prices, which included their recent launch of an In-Car Media Platform.

In collaboration with Media Prima, the platform, which is currently installed in 250 Grab cars within the Klang Valley, will deliver various short-form content suited for free in-transit viewing. Grab expects to install more in-car platforms, with an estimated goal of over a thousand cars by the end of this year.

“Most of the revenue generated from this In-Car Media Platform will be passed on to our drivers because we believe that they will be more productive if we enhance their livelihood,” he said.


Image by BorneoPost Online

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