10 Simple Ways To Save Money


No matter if you’re struggling with monthly bills or are a debt-free Malaysian, here are 10 simple ways to save money, which could come in handy for you.

1. Break up with your TV

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If you are subscribed to cable or satellite TV, it’s time you re-evaluate your subscription. Perhaps you can cut down on the packages and ultimately lower your subscription fees, or you can cancel your subscription and watch your favourite show online. You can even take this opportunity to spend more time away from the television. Brilliant!

2. Track your spending

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Before you start saving, you need to know what and how much you spend on. Use free online tools or mobile apps to track your spending. By having a budget, you can figure out how much you spend in a typical month and then figure out how much you have to save and where to cut down.

3. Take public transport

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If it’s feasible to bike to your place of work, you should. If not, try to take public transport. You’ll be surprised how much you can save by eliminating fuel, toll and parking fees from your daily expenses.

4. Start making your own coffee

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If you can’t live without caffeine, it’s time invest in a quality machine, some quality beans, and a few filters. Do it right, and your coffee could be as cheap as RM1 a cup. Then you can say goodbye to the barista near your office and keep your money in your wallet every morning.

 5. Pack your lunch to work

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Start packing your own lunch to work. If you spend an average of RM10 a day on lunch, you can save about RM200 on a 20-work day month. That’s about RM2,400 a year! That’s enough motivation for you to start brown-bagging.

6. Spring clean your subscriptions

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Look at your subscriptions. Are you actually going to the gym that much? Do you really need 3GB of data on your mobile phone? Subscriptions work by masking their true annual (and longer) cost, so be sure you’re only subscribing to stuff you really want or need.

7. Find the most suitable credit card for your lifestyle

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What’s your credit card usage like? If you tend to stretch on your credit card, look for one with the lowest interest rate, with no annual fee. However, if you usually pay off the full amount every month, get a card with the best rewards programme. Use this online comparison tool to find the best card for you. And the most important thing to remember is to use your card prudently and pay your bill punctually to avoid paying for interest.

8. Automate your bill payments

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Forgetful or disorganised individuals tend to miss paying their bill on time. Consider automating your bill payments to avoid late fees by setting up your bank account to pay the bills automatically. Don’t wait until the last minute and risk being charged on late payment as sometimes, penalties can be imposed on late payment.

9. Rethink your entertainment

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Instead of going out and spending hundreds on food and drinks plus movie tickets, bring the party home. Ask friends to come over to watch a movie or just to hang out with some drinks. If you absolutely have to get out, then organise a get-together at a restaurant where your credit card can get you a discount.

10. Compare, compare, compare

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If you always buy the same items from the same store, stop. To save money, always compare prices for these items in a few stores and get them at the cheapest prices. Some items may be discounted at one store but not the other. Identify the items that you buy most often and always be on the lookout for them. Comparing prices does not just apply to groceries, but also on financial products. You can use our various comparison tools to find the best home loan, credit card, personal loan and even car insurance.

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