Second BR1M Payment Started From May 28



The second 1Malaysia People’s Aid (BR1M) payment was given out on May 28, and the recipients will have the payment credited directly into their individual bank accounts.

It was announced in Budget 2015 that BR1M will be paid in three stages this year. The first payment was made on January 15.

For recipients with no bank accounts, letters of approval would be sent to their homes and payments can be redeemed at any branch of Bank Simpanan Nasional (BSN), Maybank, CIMB and Public Bank.

The second stage of BR1M involves 4.65 million recipients – including 141,670 recipients who sent in an appeal.

During Budget 2015, the Government also introduced the Death Benefit Scheme (SKK) which offers assistance of RM1,000 to beneficiaries of the BR1M recipients (who are under the household or senior citizen categories) who have passed away.

To date, more than 16,000 SKK claims have been approved.

Beneficiaries of BR1M recipients (as named in the BR1M application forms) can make claims at any BSN branch by producing the death certificate and identity card of the deceased.

Queries on BR1M related matters can be made via the toll free number 1800-88-2716 or by email to

[The Malaysian Insider]

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