Price Control For 21 Food Items This Festive Season


This year’s Hari Raya Puasa Festive Price Control scheme by the Domestic Trade, Cooperatives and Consumerism Ministry (KPDNKK), sees 21 types of food items in the price control list, effective from July 7 to July 23.

Of the 21 controlled-price items, 19 of them would be implemented nationwide, Datuk Azmi Lateh, the ministry’s deputy secretary-general, said.

“The ceiling price for imported beef is only enforced in Sarawak and the controlled price for Yellow Tail (tongkol) fish will only be applicable in the east coast of the peninsula.”

Items like onions, and local and imported beef have increased in prices this festive period.

“The slight increase could be due to the drop in the country’s currency exchange.

“Another contributor is the higher cost of production.

“However, the ceiling price of mackerel fish this year is RM1 lower than last year’s RM12 per kilogram.

“The ministry has not received any reports about shortages of daily essentials but demand for parsley is high,” he said during a visit at Mydin hypermarket in Bandar Putera Bertam last week.

“The public should lodge a report if they find unscrupulous traders selling products above the controlled prices,” he added.

The ministry had placed 21 complaint boxes in various places in Penang, said Azmi.

“Six of the boxes will be placed in selected village headmen’s offices, five in shopping centres and the other 10 in various public markets,” he added.


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