Survey: 9 Out Of 10 Youth Think Wages Are Too Low

Malaysian youth are primarily concerned about low wages, according to the Merdeka Centre for Opinion Research.
Breaking down the numbers, the research house found that this view was most prevalent among Indian youth (98%) followed by the Malays (85%) and Chinese (84%).
The report also revealed that seven out of 10 Indians (74%) and Malay (705) youth found it difficult to enter the job market. This was less so for the Chinese (45%).
But what stood out, among others, is that youth from all three racial groups had one common concern: personal finances.
Malays (77%), Chinese (71%) and Indians (68%) said they constantly worried about their finances.
Merdeka Centre conducted the survey, titled “Perception of Economy, Leadership & Current Issues,” in 165 constituencies in 12 states around the peninsula from August 3 to 8.
Of the 604 respondents, 68% were Malays; 23%, Chinese; and 9%, Indians.