Malaysia Ranked 41 In List Of Best Countries For Remote Working

Malaysia Ranked 41 In List Of Best Countries For Remote Working

Malaysia is one of the better countries for remote working as we ranked 41st place according to the Global Remote Work Index (GWRI) 2023.

Published by Nordlayer, a cybersecurity company, the study evaluates 108 countries around the world and how attractive they are for remote working.

GWRI uses four main dimensions: cybersecurity, economics, infrastructure, and social safety, to determine the quality of remote work among the countries listed.

Malaysia scored 0.706 on the GWRI index which is based on four dimensions’ ranking where we placed 22nd place for cyber safety, 33rd place for economic safety, 40th place for digital & physical infrastructure, and 72nd place for social safety.

While Malaysia ranks high above many countries in Southeast Asia, our neighbour Singapore is far above us at 28th place in the index with a GRWI score of 0.776.

Previous years of the GWRI report only included 66 countries but this year, Nordlayer expanded the list, totalling 108.

As for the best countries for remote working, here are the top countries according to the GWRI:

  • Denmark
  • The Netherlands
  • Germany
  • Spain
  • Sweden
  • Portugal
  • Estonia
  • Lithuania
  • Ireland
  • Slovakia

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