Malaysians Enjoyed RM5.4 Billion Rebate On Electricity

Malaysians Enjoyed RM5.4 Billion Rebate On Electricity

Consumers in the peninsula have been enjoying rebates on their electricity bill of around RM5.4 billion from March 2015 to December 2017.

The Energy, Green Technology and Water Ministry said Putrajaya also spent around RM3.79 billion from 2012 to 2017 to accommodate fuel cost and subsidies.

This has allowed Malaysians living in Sabah to enjoy a lower electricity tariff compared to the actual cost of supplying electricity.

According to the ministry, the government spent RM1.04 billion through the RM20 Rebate Programme in October 2008 by absorbing monthly electric bills of RM20 and below.

Malaysians will also be paying a lower rate compared with the base electricity tariff, as Putrajaya absorbed the 1.02 sen/kWh surcharge while maintaining the 1.52 sen/kWh rebate, bringing the total rebate to 2.54 sen/kWh for that period.

The higher rebates are reported to be the result from the rise in electric supply costs due to a 36% rise in coal prices, the falling ringgit and increasing piped gas prices.


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