Budget 2016 To Focus On B40 Households

Budget 2016 To Focus On B40 Households

Prime Minister Datuk Seri Najib Razak assured that Budget 2016 will focus on growth for the bottom 40% household income group, by providing opportunities for and access to higher education and skills training.

These opportunities will help this group of Malaysians find stable and better jobs, he added.

Datuk Seri Najib, who is also the Finance Minister, said the upcoming budget would also make provisions for the B40 group to enjoy affordable houses, higher income, acquisition of wealth and quality of life.

“Budget 2016 is important because of the most challenging global economic situation. It cannot be denied that the global economic uncertainty we see today has more or less jeopardised the Malaysian economic situation and raised concerns among certain sections of society.

“In this context, the B40 households are the most easily affected and in need of job stability and higher income to meet the costs of education, house ownership and cost of living,” the Prime Minister posted on his blog, NajibRazak.com.

At the same time, the Government must ensure that the capital economy remained active to generate the people economy. The two economies, he said, has to be boosted to reach the nation’s target of high-income status by 2020.

Ideas submitted by the rakyat through the #Budget2016 campaign, which was held from September 1 to 18, will be evaluated by the Finance Ministry.

One of the key concerns voiced by the people through the campaign is the rising cost of living, with most of the suggestions provided are for the Government to help ease the daily burden, particularly of those in the low-income group.

“Many also expressed concern over the high cost of houses, which was beyond their means.

“There were also suggestions for the government to not only improve the public transportation network in Kuala Lumpur and the Klang Valley but also invest in new KTM or LRT projects in the urban centres in the other states,” he said.

The three most important categories in Budget 2016, found through the survey were cost of living, housing and life in the cities, and education, said Datuk Seri Najib.


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