
Maximise Your Public Holidays In 2024 With Our Long Weekend Guide

Happy 2024! As we prepare to get ourselves back into the working mood, there is one major question on the minds of Malaysians everywhere: โ€œWhen is the next big holiday?โ€

We Malaysians do love our holidays, and long weekends hold an especially dear place in our hearts. So what’s a more perfect way to celebrate getting back to the office than to start planning for the next big break?

In 2024, there are not as many long weekends to take advantage of compared to 2023. However, there are plenty of outlying holidays that land on a Tuesday or Thursday. If you are willing to spend some leave allowance here and there, you can likely get away with up to ten extended weekends this year!

While the Covid-19 issue has more or less been resolved, a huge spike in cases in recent months along with a new flu variant might give some pause with regards to travelling around for the holidays. Currently, the government has assured the public that the cases are under control and no new health measures will be implemented for the time being. This means that you can likely make travel plans without too much issue.

While travel bans can happen anytime due to new unforeseen circumstances, Malaysians can still satisfy their wanderlust closer to home with a wide choice of highland to beach getaways as well as cities filled with heritage spots. Not forgetting the unique culture and food varieties that span the length and breadth of our beautiful country.

Check out our long weekend guide for 2024 below to find out how you can maximise your annual leave this year.

Next: It's Thaipusam: Road Trip To Penang!

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