Product Summary
- Being diagnosed with cancer, or any critical illness, is one of life’s most frightening experiences. You’d worry about the treatment cost, your family’s wellbeing and the financial impact it would cause. That is why it is important to have a financial safety net in place. HealthCover is a critical illness plan that provides the needed financial support upon diagnosis.

- Critical illness Coverage
- 36 critical illnesses
- Sum Assured
- Up to 100% of Allianz Powerlink insured amount
- Coverage Term
- Up to age 100
- Entry Age
- -
Key Benefits
Protection against the financial impact of a critical illness
Comprehensive Critical Illnesses coverage
A lump sum payment that helps to prevent your family’s savings from depleting
Up to 100% of Allianz Powerlink insured amount upon diagnosis of critical illness
An Extended Total and Permanent Disability (ETPD) Rider is attachable to HealthCover by default at no extra premium charges
- Malaysian
- Nationality
HealthCover FAQ
The cost of insurance for HealthCover is levied through deduction of units from the investment account of your policy. The amount to be deducted will depend on the amount and type of insurance cover chosen, as well as other factors such as age, sex, health status, smoker status, etc
HealthCover supplementary contract shall not cover:
- any Critical Illnesses, other than Angioplasty and Other Invasive Treatments for Coronary Artery Disease, Cancer, Coronary Artery By-Pass Surgery, Heart Attack and Serious Coronary Artery Disease, which first manifests itself prior to the thirtieth (30th) day following the Issue date or any Reinstatement Date of the supplementary contract, whichever is the later; or
- Angioplasty and Other Invasive Treatments for Coronary Artery Disease, Cancer, Coronary Artery by-pass Surgery, Heart Attack and Serious Coronary Artery Disease which first manifests itself prior to the sixtieth (60th) day following the Issue Date or any Reinstatement Date of the supplementary contract, whichever is the later; or
- any Critical Illnesses which existed at the Issue Date or Reinstatement Date of the supplementary contract, whichever is later; or
- any Critical Illnesses which is due to self-inflicted injuries while sane or insane.
You should satisfy yourself that this rider will best serve your needs and that the cost of insurance under this rider is affordable. A free look period of fifteen (15) days or such longer period as may be specified by Bank Negara Malaysia, will be given from the receipt date of the supplementary contract for you to review its suitability and should you choose to return this rider within the period, the amount to be refunded shall be the cost of insurance deducted for this rider less any expenses incurred for medical examination.
The renewal of HealthCover is guaranteed. All renewals are subject to sufficient fund value in the investment account and cost of insurance for any renewal is not guaranteed. We have the right to revise the charges, benefits, terms and conditions and you will be informed in writing of the revision at least three (3) months before renewal.
Service Tax (if applicable) will be charged at the rate of 6% on the applicable portion of your premium/fee/charges for the period of insurance coverage.
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