Ringkasan Produk
- Adakah anda telah melakukan cukup untuk melindungi anda dan keluarga anda daripada cabaran menghidap penyakit kritikal? HealthCover Plus ialah penunggang pilihan Allianz PowerLink yang menyediakan jaringan keselamatan kewangan untuk anda dan keluarga anda jika anda didiagnosis sebagai sesuatu yang tidak dapat dibayangkan.

- Perlindungan Penyakit Kritikal
- 70 penyakit kritikal
- Jumlah Diinsuranskan
- 100% daripada Amaun Diinsurankan oleh HealthCover Plus
- Tempoh Perlindungan
- Sehingga umur 100
- Umur Kemasukan
- -
Ciri Utama
Extensive coverage of 70 critical illnesses such as heart attack, cancer, Parkinson’s Disease, and stroke
Protection against 7 additional critical illnesses for those below the age of 19
Critical illness coverage up to age 100
100% of HealthCover Plus insured amount upon diagnosis of critcal illness
Benefit payout upon death or total and permanent disability (TPD)
- Warganegara Malaysia
- Warganegara
Muat Turun
HealthCover Plus FAQ
The cost of insurance for HealthCover Plus is levied through deduction of units from the investment account of your policy. The amount to be deducted will depend on the amount and type of insurance cover chosen, as well as other factors such as age, sex, health status, smoker status, etc.
The additional coverage for juvenile expires on the policy anniversary when the Life Assured attains age ninteen (19) nearest birthday.
Yes, there is a survival period; where the insured amount will not be paid if the Life Assured dies within thirty (30) days from the date of diagnosis of any one (1) of the critical illnessese.
The critical illness is any illness or surgery other than diagnosis of or surgery for a Critical Illness as definied herein;
the signs or symptoms of the Critical Illness that is manifested prior to or within the waiting period;
- sixty (60) days:
cancer - of specified severity and does nor cover very early cancers, Heart Attackk - of specified severity, Coronary Artery By-Pass Surgery, Serious Coronary Artery Disease, and Angioplastry and Other Invasive Treatments for Coronary Artery Disease - thirty (30) days for all other critical illnesses:
from the issue date or reinstatement date of this supplementary contract, whichever is later, the critical illness arises directly or indirectly from a pre-existing condition as definied, which ecisted prior to the issue date of reinstatement date of the supplementary contract whichever is later.
- sixty (60) days:
Service Tax (if applicable) will be charged at the rate of 6% on the applicable portion of your premium/fee/charges for the period of insurance coverage.
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