Ringkasan Produk
- Dengan Allianz 1Cover, anda boleh merancang untuk malapetaka dengan perlindungan insurans mampu milik yang akan melindungi masa depan kewangan keluarga anda. Jadikan Allianz 1Cover jaring keselamatan pertama anda untuk menyediakan kestabilan kewangan untuk orang tersayang anda sekiranya apa-apa berlaku kepada anda.

- Faedah Kematian
- Sehingga RM600,000 jumlah perlindungan
- Faedah Kematian dan Hilang Upaya Menyeluruh
- -
- Faedah Kemalangan Peribadi
- Sehingga RM400k jumlah perlindungan
- Tempoh Perlindungan
- Sehingga umur 71 tahun
Ciri Utama
Pelan hayat bertempoh 30 tahun
Tiada pemeriksaan kesihatan
Pelan serendah RM0.85 sehari
Pendaftaran yang pantas
Menyediakan sehingga 3x ganda Manfaat Kematian*
- 16-45
- Umur Penyertaan
- Malaysia & Bukan Warganegara
- Warganegara
Muat Turun
1Cover FAQ
You can choose between Insured Amount of RM50,000, RM100,000 or RM200,000
Yes we are, up 3x of the insured amount is payable should Accidental Death occur while the Life Assured is in a Public Conveyance of Elevator or burning Public Building.
Allianz 1Cover is perfect for you if you have dependents to support, just started work or have financial commitments. WHY?
- Your first step in providing a safety net for your family
- You want to be a responsible breadwinner by getting your first life insurance
- Allianz 1Cover empowers you to have a safety net for your loved ones, and strengthen your role as a breadwinner
It takes up to 7 working days from the date when the complete/full documents are recevied.
It means that because of a sickness or injury, a person is unable to ever work again.
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