Malaysia Now A Shopping Haven For Singaporeans

Malaysia Now A Shopping Haven For Singaporeans

Our neighbours across the Causeway now have even more reason to do their shopping here, as the Malaysian Ringgit fell to a new low of 3.0771 against the Singapore dollar early on Thursday.

Hurt by a drop in oil prices and a downgrade on Brazil’s credit rating, which worsened sentiment towards emerging markets, the Ringgit also hit a new 17-year low of around 4.379 to the US dollar earlier on the same day.

On Wednesday, Standard & Poor’s downgraded Brazil’s sovereign credit rating to BB+, or one notch below investment grade, sparking a selloff in emerging market assets.

A 3.9% drop in Brent crude overnight also dampened the revenue outlook for Malaysia, Asia’s only major net oil exporter.

The Ringgit is Asia’s worst performing currency.


Here are 9 lifestyle changes you need to make to survive the weakening Ringgit.

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